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Accountant requires advice / help

Guest basiltherat

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Guest basiltherat

Is there anybody out there who has progressed through the TRA for accountant. I am a Chartered accountant (CIPFA) and concerned about the recognition of this qualification.

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Hi Basil


I'm a CIMA qualified accountant and am currently waiting for my skills assessment to come back.


I posted them at end of June and am still waiting, I've been advised I should hear before the end of September.


You should send your assessment to CPA or NIA not TRA. From what I've read on this forum, TRA is the body you contact to assess manual skills (eg electricians, plasterers). As an accountant you need to get your skills assessed by one of the Australian Accountancy Bodies.


Hope this helps.



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Guest basiltherat

Hi Karen


Thanks for your reply....


Are you using an agent?


Do you have to take any additional exams before practising in Australia or does the CIMA syllabus cover the requirements?



Heather (basil!!)

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Hi Heather


I'm not using a migration agent as it is just me applying so it should be relatively simple.


I have a friend who has just migrated out there with his family, so he's been a great source of information to ask questions I'm not sure about.


The "problem" I had with the skills assessment paperwork was that the college where I did my degree has recently changed name so all my certificates have a different name to the uni now. Also the uni no longer offers the course I did, so therefore difficult to get syllabus details from them.


In the end I contacted CPA by email and they actually confirmed that I didn't need to send any syllabus information to them which is very confusing as their website clearly states you do. When I submitted my paperwork to them, I attached a copy of this email with it.


I think I might have to do a couple of conversion papers, but otherwise should be ok. I'll let you know when I hear from them (should be any day now)!



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  • 1 month later...
Guest basiltherat

Hi karen


Have you had anynews yet? My documents have now gone off for assessment via agent. We would like to be looking at April time to go to Perth.



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Guest kazzy01

Hi Heather


I still have not heard back from CPA re my skills assessment. I sent off all of the paperwork on 29th June!


Looking on the austime line website, someone who sent their paperwork off three weeks before me got their assessment back around 8th October, so it looks like they are taking 4 months to turn these things around at the moment which is very frustrating.


I think all accountants who have qualified outside of Australia would have to take conversion papers in at least taxation and financial accounting, but probably more important if you have an audit background. As I am more of a financial analyst, then I don't expect to have to take the exams to get work.



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Guest kazzy01

Hi Heather


Well I got home yesterday and finally heard from CPA!


I have received a positive skills assessment but have to do three conversion exams, as I suspected, tax and financial accounting and I forget what the other one is!


I thought I would be very excited once I heard, but to be honest as it has taken so long to process this part, I have gone off the idea of going to Oz at all, so am really unsure whether it is worth going ahead with the main application or not as it would really be a waste of money if I'm not going to go.


All in all, it took 3 months and 19 days for me to get the results back!



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