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Thinking moving back after 20 years


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i thought I would introduce myself, I have been lurking around the forum and there has been some great advise and also validation of how I am feeling about being here in WA.

We are a family of 4, we have good jobs earning good money and live in a lovely area, we should be settled and happy, except we're not. We are so bored especially now our children are older, there really isn't very much to do. We really haven't been 100% happy here for 20 years but persevered for the sake of the kids.


I miss popping down to see my family and old friends, just going for a walk in the country side, generally having more to do. I have not regretted being here, far from it, it's given me lots of opportunities. But I can see that when my kids leave home and go there own way (they both want to spend time in the uk) we'll be very very lonely and bored. There is a distinct lack of community feel, I fear that I could die here and no one would know for ages!


My original plan was to move back in 5 years and in that time pay my mortgage off so that I can buy a house outright by then my eldest would have just finished uni and my youngest would be 19 (not going to uni but could be doing an apprenticeship by then. However, now that we've made the decision I can't wait to return, but don't want to ruin my children's future. If we aim for next year, my youngest may repeat year 10 and my eldest will just work for 3 years until residency is granted and attend Uni there, but this is taking a chance. Don't know what to do. Feeling homesick.

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If your kids are happy to go and your husband also, then why wait the 5 years?


If the kids are not keen and the youngest wants to finish up the education in Aus, then consider waiting and perhaps you (not the kids) go have a holiday or two in the UK to keep you going.


The problem with setting a long time frame on such a thing is that feelings will of course take over and as you are finding, now you've said your going, you want to go sooner. I'd have not set a time on it so far ahead as it is often a big stumbling block. By nature we don't really plan that far ahead in anything in our lives and to say in 5 years time is when we move back to the UK is probably not going to be realistic as so much can and will change before then.


Sure have it in your head you'll go at some point, but not a date set so far ahead. A year, 18 months I can get, but 5 years is just inviting unrest and resentment.

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Life is what happens while you are busy making plans they reckon. If you're going to go then go now because if you don't there's a better than even chance you will never find the "right" time and you will find yourself stuck where you don't really want to be. A lot can change in 5 years!

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Your kids will be fine in either first world country. Financial security - yup, an issue but if you are miserable then go! There's no point being the richest corpse in the churchyard and poor mental health can be quite deadly. Make sure you have citizenship so if it all goes pear shaped you have options. The market is all out of crystal balls unfortunately but there is no such thing as a wrong decision - you make the best one you can with all the information available to you on the day! If it works, you win and if it doesn't then you make another decision. Good luck - indecision is a killer!

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Thanks for your replys. You are right - there will never be a right time. I'm in the process of reregistering with NMC and we going back for a holiday in July. We'll have a good look around then, chat to schools, look into jobs etc. 5 years is a long time and we're not getting any younger.

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