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Hervey Bay?


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Hello all :-)


we currently are living in northern Gold Coast and are looking at moving to Hervey Bay next year. We have been on holiday a few years back and fell in love with it. We are going to book a holiday again over the Easter weekend and do more exploring.

Its fine going for a visit but obviously living there may be different.

We are not sure if there will be much work for us we know there's less to do there than here but we want a quieter lifestyle partner loves fishing and we have two boys aged 9 and 5. I was hoping someone would have advise on areas to rent, schools in the area? My partner is a car mechanic but wants to work building boats or something along them lines. I'm going to be applying for aged care/community care work as I would have completed my course by then.

Would love to here from people that are living in the area or who have lived there before


im worried we will feel isolated


thanks in advance


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Be interested tho hear any replies too. In Uk but have been to Hervey Bay. Wondered how people get on moving to smaller places like this. I'm a carpenter and would like to hear if carpenters can find work in the smaller towns.

Boys of very similar age too so you've ask the question for me.

Good luck with replies

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  • 2 months later...

Hi there Sharna.

Dont come on here very often but just logged on and saw your comments

We have been in Hervey Bay for 9 years now and still think we are the luckiest lol

We have traveled all over Oz and still prefer this area.

True jobs are a bit bit and miss, having said that we have a huge group of friends and i am the only one out of a job and I'm not even looking lol.

Let me know if i can help in any way.

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  • 1 year later...


We moved to Hervey Bay just 3 weeks ago from the UK. We are loving it here, the beach, the laid back but welcoming attitudes and yes, the fishing! We were very fortunate that my husband got a job as an Engineer in nearby Maryborough before we came out. "Have you got a job" seems to be one of the first questions most people ask. It's always good to at least try and make contacts before you come out, it could be risky to not have anything lined up.


There is loads of choice with schools from state schools to catholic to Lutheran and Anglican. We visited 9 schools in our first week here and have enrolled our boys. They had their first day today and loved it. They are 6 and 9. 

Good luck, don't let the dream go if it's what you want!

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