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189 Query


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Hi all, looking into going down the long and potentially painful route of applying for a 189 visa myself!!


I have a question to begin however, and I wanted to confirm that I would meet the required points requirements if you could help?


Age, at time of invitation

18-24 (inclusive) 25 points

25-32 (inclusive) 30 points - Ill be 25 at time of application.

33-39 (inclusive) 25 points

40-44 (inclusive) 15 points

45-49 (inclusive) 0 points


English language competency level, at time of invitation

Competent English - IELTS 6 / OET B 0 points

Proficient English - IELTS 7 / OET B 10 points English language competency level, at time of invitation

Superior English - IELTS 8 / OET A 20 points - Im hoping to secure an 8 score, for the 20 points.


Overseas skilled employment in nominated skilled occupation or a closely related skilled occupation, at time of invitation:

At least eight and up to 10 years (of past 10 years) 20 points

At least one but less than three years (of past 10 years) 5 points

At least three but less than five years (of past 10 years) 10 points - I potentially may be able to apply for this, however I have been an apprentice since September 2012. At college one day per week, working full-time doing the role?

At least five but less than eight years (of past 10 years) 15 points


Australian skilled employment in nominated skilled occupation or a closely related skilled occupation, at time of invitation

(max points awarded for any combination of overseas and Australian skilled employment is 20 points) At least eight and up to 10 years (of past ten years) 20 points


At least one but less than three years (of past 10 years) 5 points

At least three but less than five years (of past 10 years) 10 points

At least five but less than eight years (of past 10 years) 15 points - None


Educational qualifications, at time of invitation.

Doctorate from an Australian educational institution or other Doctorate of a recognised standard 20 points

At least a Bachelor degree, including a Bachelor degree with Honours or Masters, from an Australian educational institution or other degree of a recognised standard 15 points

Diploma completed in Australia, trade qualification completed in Australia, or qualification or award of recognised standard 10 points - HNC due to gained on May/June 2016 (just waiting for graduation), also have a BTEC Level 3 Advanced Diploma and NVQ3.


Other factors, at time of invitation


Credentialled community language qualifications 5 points

Study in regional Australia or in a low population growth metropolitan area (excluding distance education) 5 points

Partner skill qualifications 5 points

Professional Year completion, for a period of at least 12 months in the four year period immediately before the day on which the invitation was issued 5 points



Nomination/Sponsorship, at time of invitation

Nomination by State or Territory government (visa subclass 190 only) 5 points

Nomination by State or Territory government or sponsorship by an eligible family member, for residing and working in a specified/designated area (visa subclass 489 only) 10 points -None, have family living in Perth for last 25+ years willing to sponsor, doubt this does much these days?





From what Ive worked out, Ill have 60 points by gaining IELTS 8 (hard I know) if they don't count my work experience. (I got my NVQ3 in December 2014).

Either way Ill definelty have one years experience post NVQ3. However I truly have been working and doing the role for the past 3-4 years? Where do I stand on this? I asked a migration expert and he said its a MINIMUM to have three years experience post qualification EVEN if you meet 60 points elsewhere and are qualified?



Really confused, help appreciated!!


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I do not have experience with your work field but can add my experience:


On the work experience front I did the work of a qualified accountant as a year out from my degree, however this was not allowed to be counted for points as I had not graduated. Therefore if you want to claim work experience points they need to be post graduation.


With regards to the migration agents comments I assume he is referring to the skills assessment. As part of the process you have to get your skills/education assessed and in most cases this needs post graduation work experience of a few years, this is separate from points and has to be done. There are only a few occupations where you do not need work experience, others on here will be able to be more specific than me.

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