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Corbyn and immigration


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Could this be the last nail in the coffin for Labour?


Jeremy Corbyn is planning a high-risk speech ahead of the crunch summit on Britain’s EU membership this week in which he will make the positive case for European migration and attack David Cameron’s hope of negotiating an “emergency brake” on benefits for migrants.


Despite serious concerns among some in the shadow cabinet, the Labour leader is determined to present an “alternative argument” that discriminating against workers from east European states is unfair.

It is part of a series of potentially contentious moves by Corbyn in the coming months designed to leave his political stamp on the party, including a new “Labour fiscal credibility rule”, under which the party would “guarantee that all cuts announced for this parliament could be reversed in full”.

Corbyn is planning to make his intervention on EU renegotiation during a visit to Brussels before the summit of member states on Thursday and Friday, where the prime minister will seek agreement on his renegotiation, including the idea of a four-year block on new migrants within the EU receiving in-work benefits.



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God forbid we'd get politicians with principles! Career politicians have been working well so far...


Sadly people have little interest in reality. They prefer being force fed by an all obliging media, doing the bidding of others. Probably Britain's last chance in a lifetime to vote for a politician for the people. A man of conviction politics of the left persuasion, concerned not about putting the big side of town above humanity. The only losers will be ordinary British people.

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Interesting comment. No relation to anything I said, but interesting.


Really? You failed to follow the logical progression of the following conversation:

A: Good on him for sticking to his principles, it's electoral suicide though.

T: Win all round then.

R: God forbid we'd get politicians with principles


If you did fail to follow the logic, what exactly did you find interesting?

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Really? You failed to follow the logical progression of the following conversation:

A: Good on him for sticking to his principles, it's electoral suicide though.

T: Win all round then.

R: God forbid we'd get politicians with principles


If you did fail to follow the logic, what exactly did you find interesting?


I say it is a "win all round", you say "god forbid"?


I was expressing pleasure that Corbyn was sticking to his principles, so why "god forbid" he should do so?

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Because you also expressed pleasure that it was electoral suicide.


We should be encouraging politicians with principles, and particularly those willing to express them even if it is not politically expedient at the time. Otherwise we'll continue to have career politicians who kow tow to public opinion without providing real leadership.

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Because you also expressed pleasure that it was electoral suicide.


We should be encouraging politicians with principles, and particularly those willing to express them even if it is not politically expedient at the time. Otherwise we'll continue to have career politicians who kow tow to public opinion without providing real leadership.

I agree but with most of the press in visceral right wing hands there has to be a reality check around getting elected, there is some truth in the old adage 'softly, softly, catchee monkey' I'm afraid there has to be,unfortunately, an element of guile around a politician, expressing his convictions so openly and expressing them with an almost childishly innocent way does not make him electable I'm afraid, unfortunately you have to be a leader in the position he is hoping to occupy and that often means making unpalatable decisions as anyone in management knows and on present presentation this is something he lacks, so nice principled bloke with high leftwing ideals but in need of a good dose of reality and enrolling on a 2 year business management diploma and a few visits to various churches around the country and then have a crack at running the party and possibly the country in another 5 years after all that.

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