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arrived in sydney 2 weeks ago

Guest Rebecca

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Guest Rebecca

Hi there


Well, we arrived in Sydney almost 2 weeks ago. We have been very busy - attending interviews, finding a 6 months rental property and just generally getting our bearing. My emotional was all over the place last week, one minute I'm very hyper/excited and the next I'm worrying! However, we have settled in okay now, managed to have a job offer and found a flat for the next 6 months in Neutral Bay.


I think we will have fun here and exploring around. The weather have been fab, blue skies and bird singing in the morning. The next thing we have to do is find a 2nd hand car....my husband thinks secondhand car here is more expensive than the UK. He is loving it here and pretty laidback, it helps when you have someone being optimistic.


Anyway, is there anyone in their mid 20s to 30. I would like to see how you guys are getting on too. I'm missing my friends in UK. My family have moved back to Hong Kong about 2 years ago, so I guess I'm close to them now (I moved to UK when I was 10 yrs old). It's funny, the guy who interview me next week mentionned my english accent and said it will be interesting when the ashes is on because everyone in the office will be taking the mickey.


Catch you later.



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Hi Rebecca


Glad to hear that you are enjoying your self and have got settled quickly. We have been here in Sydney nearly 3 months now and we've bought a house, car and got the kids settled in school, now I'm job hunting.


Hope you both continue to enjoy and that the weather stays good


Jackie Cornish

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