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Wanting to move back to oz

Jill Struthers

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Hello hope someone can help me

Myself and my husband and are 1st child moved to Melbourne back in 2004 on permanent visas my husbands job was on the SOL ( spray painter )

during the the time we spent in Melbourne we had are 2nd child.

i was finding it very hard to settle due to my mum and dad being ill back in the uk so we come back to the uk in 2006 to care for them i know we should of become citizens 1st but just wanted to get home the sad thing was both my parents passed away but by this our visas was no longer valied now 10 years on we would like to come back my husband job is no longer on SOL but is on CSOL could anyone advise me thanks jill

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You may be able to apply for a resident return visa but these are difficult to get unless you can show that you have strong ties to Australia.

Have a look at https://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Visa-1/155-


Otherwise you may be able to reapply for residency as a new applicant. I haven't looked into your husband's occupation in detail but generally if it is on the CSOL, then state sponsorship may be available.

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Since child #2 was born in Australia to PR holders, do they then have Australian citizenship? I'm not sure if that's enough to demonstrate strong ties to Australia, but I'd pursue the RRV before trying for another PR visa application. Perhaps speak with a migration agent to get an assessment on what's your best strategy.

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