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School years in NSW


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I am new to the forum so please bear with me on my question. I have 3 children born 2005, 2007 and 2008.


Please can you tell me what year at school they will be in Australia, I am trying to relocate us back to Sydney in time for number 1 to start high school.


Many thanks

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Depends on their birthdays within those years. NSW cut off is 31 July but they are hesitant about kids whose birthdays are within a couple of months of the cut off and will usually suggest they go into the year below to give them maturity. A lot of kids don't cope well with the stress of HSC if they are on the young end. So your 2005 birth child could start HS in 2017 if their birthday was before 31 July 2005 technically, but if it is between April and July you might want to wait a year.

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In NSW children have to be at school by the time they are six, but can be held back a year if their fifth birthday is before July 31st. In other words, kids can start at 4.5 but can start as late as 6.


To give you a comparison, my daughters are April 2006 and February 2008. I could have held both back, but decided not to for various reasons. They are just starting year 5 and year 3.


Your August 2005 child would be in the same year as my April 2006 child, that is just about to enter year 5. Your February 2007 child could either start year 4 in 2016 or year 3 if held back (would be one of the eldest in year 3 and one of the youngest in year 4 - what you decided on would depend on academic, social and physical maturity). Your October 2008 child would be just starting year 2 in 2016.


I don't know if this little table will come out right, but hopefully it makes sense:


Born Between: Jan 2005 - July 2006 = Year 5 starting 2016 UNLESS birthday Jan 2006 - July 2006 where they can be held back to Year 4

Born Between: Jan 2006 - July 2007 = Year 4 starting 2016 UNLESS birthday Jan 2007 - July 2007 where they can be held back to Year 3

Born Between: Jan 2007 - July 2008 = Year 3 starting 2016 UNLESS birthday Jan 2008 - July 2008 where they can be held back to Year 2

Born Between: Jan 2008 - July 2009 = Year 2 starting 2016 UNLESS birthday Jan 2009 - July 2009 where they can be held back to Year 1

Born Between: Jan 2009 - July 2010 = Year 1 starting 2016 UNLESS birthday Jan 2010 - July 2010 where they can be held back to Year Kindergarten

Born Between: Jan 2010 - July 2011 = Year Kindergarten starting 2016 UNLESS birthday Jan 2011 - July 2011 where they can be held back to start Kindergarten in 2017.


When I say Jan above, I mean by the time school starts. Eldest daughters best friends birthday is 10th Jan, so she had to start school when she did. If her birthday had been 30th Jan, she could have been held back because she would have turned six on her second or third day at school. I hope that makes sense!

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