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Skype Interview. what do I need to know? HELP!


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Hi Gang,

So I can't really believe I'm writing this, but I've been offered a Skype interview at 2am tomorrow morning! (GMT)


It's with a company that provide Podiatry care to various clinics in Queensland, GP Surgeries, care facilities etc... I've been reading up on the company and I've been looking through my old interview notes/uni work. It's just I've never had a Skype interview before.


Does anyone have any information or tips?


Thanks in advance!



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I have had lots as it is the nature of my work.


Just treat it exactly the same as a normal interview.


Set up up in a quiet room and turn off mobiles and things and make sure if the phone rings or anything, it can't be heard in the room you are in.


Look ok at the room facing the camera to make sure it is appropriate. A blank wall is a good way.


Dress as per the interview.


Take a a glass of water in with you.

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