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Good old Glasgow


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This is a call out to mental health nurses. I have been out here in Australia for nearly ten years and I have decided to move back home. It was an easy decision. I have loved my time out here but I've always felt as though it's been an extended working holiday, and it's never felt like home. I am really looking forward to moving back to Scotland. However getting down to reality, I need a job! I'm looking to move towards the end of the year, I have a home to sell, and loose ends to tie up etc. I wondered if anyone reading this knows anything about mental health nursing jobs in Glasgow. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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I wouldn't worry too much, there are definitely still MH jobs in Scotland. I think your biggest issue might be whether going nhs or private sector, as you may find yourself down at the bottom of the nhs pay bands despite your experience. I left a job in private nursing home, dementia unit, which paid better than nhs, but pros and cons to both sectors.


Good of luck with the move! Can I ask where you've been working in oz, as I'm in qld on Sunshine Coast and not much going about?

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