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Sponsorship help


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Hi all 2016 is the time to bit the bullet so I hope I have I consolation on Friday and trying to cover all my options I would like to think I could get a skilled visa but if not I'm looking at a sponsorship from my uncle but can't really find any information on what's needed and the proses that comes with it need to get some info before Friday so any help and advice would be awesome.


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Family sponsorship is not an alternative to a skilled visa. It just gives some extra points. In fact there are extra hurdles than a skilled visa as the sponsor needs to live in a designated area and your occupation must be on the SOL list. The csol is not available to 489 family stream.


Given that 489 has extra hurdles and is notoriously slow to process, if you can already qualify for a skilled visa, I don't see a lot of point.

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