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Skills assessment without alerting employer of intent to migrate


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Hi everyone. First of what I'm sure will be many posts on this forum. My family and I are looking to emigrate and although I have lots of qualifications, my job is not on the skilled independent list (R&D Manager, ANZSCO 132511) and so I will need to go the 190 State Sponsored route. I would really like to get the ball rolling on my application, but I would need to have Vetassess assess on my qualifications and employment for the State sponsorship application. I don't however want to alert my employer at this moment in time that I am intending on emigrating as it could affect my bonus that is coming up in May 2016. I can get my company to sign-off on a statement of services easily enough under the guise of needing it for applying for an upgrade in professional membership that I hold from Member to Fellow, but I don't want that to come back and bite me if Vetassess pick up the phone and call my employer to discuss my role in the company. Obviously I can wait until May to start the process, but I we really don't want to be wintering in the UK next year and losing 5 months waiting for the bonus will almost ensure that we won't be able to leave in 2016. If anyone has been in a similar situation and can provide any advise, hints, tips, or just some insight into their skills assessment process it would be greatly appreciated.

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Hi, I was in the same situation. Rather than sending a reference letter to Vetassess I did a statutory declaration, I stated the reasons for this....Would jepodise my job / career prospects with the company. Vetassess were happy with this, no one contacted my employer and I get a positive outcome. Good luck!

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Hi, I was in the same situation. Rather than sending a reference letter to Vetassess I did a statutory declaration, I stated the reasons for this....Would jepodise my job / career prospects with the company. Vetassess were happy with this, no one contacted my employer and I get a positive outcome. Good luck!

Thanks cjenky. Did you download a template that included the relevant legalese or just write out a statement of what your job entailed? Who did you get to notarise the document?

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Thanks cjenky. Did you download a template that included the relevant legalese or just write out a statement of what your job entailed? Who did you get to notarise the document?


Hi, yes I used the official wording (Found it on here if my memory serves).I had all my documents certified by a Justice of the Peace at the local county court (For free too so that was a bonus). I think it has changed since I applied, I had to send all my documents snail mail to Australia but I think you just upload everything now and im not sure you need to have these certified now (Don't quote me though please check on the Vetassess website)

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On another note, have you checked which states are sponsoring your occupation since you will be going down the 190 route? The only reason I ask is when I started this whole process 3 states were sponsoring my occupation and by the time I got my Vetassess results all those states had removed my occupation from their lists. I waited nearly 2 years and was constantly checking lists etc before I got a breakthrough and an invitation from NSW. Not to worry you but just something to think about and keep in mind. The goalposts are forever moving. Are you using an agent or doing the process yourself?

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Currently it's only Victoria sponsoring so I'm keen to get it in asap in case it is taken off the list. Right now going solo and getting advice from friends and family (and here), but considering the cost if I make a mistake I started looking at agents yesterday. I'm aiming to get my Vetassess in before end of January now and will speak to the agent my brother used (an Aussie) as his rates were pretty reasonable and got my brother through who had a more complex case as he didn't have any degree qualifications



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Were going solo too, it is a little overwhelming to begin with but if you are good at paperwork and reading things through thoroughly it is pretty straight forward. Ive done more reading than I thought possible. Emigrating is a costly experience in itself that's why we are going it alone. My Vetassess took 17 weeks to come back.....it seemed like forever!!! I got my positive result the day after WA took the occupation off the list!!!! At that point we thought that was it.... I kept looking on the states websites to see if there was another way. I was offered a job in NT which we thought great but once we looked into the NT we realised the weather would be too extreme for us and the cost of living was astronomical. No matter how much we wanted to be in Australia we had to pass this up. So we were back to square one again. Then SA introduced the high points category, so again we thought great if I sit the English exam we can get the 80 points. All booked in for the exam and then SA changed this to 85 (There was no way we could get 85points) so that was out of the window. Then by chance I was browsing the NSW website and noticed they had added a new stream (Never in a million years did I think we would get into NSW) for high scoring candidates with an occupation on the CSOL. I guess we saw this as our last chance and put in a EOI never thinking we would hear anything back, then a few weeks ago we received an invitation to apply, which we did and now again its a waiting game. I guess what I am saying is if there's a will there's a way. Hope everything is more smooth sailing for you.

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Wow, 17 weeks for Vetassess is a long time! Their website advises 6-8 weeks. Why did it take so long? To get up to 80 points you must be both well qualified and have lots of relevant work experience. I'm was hoping on them meeting those timelines as I have 8 years relevant work experience and MSc (completed prior to start of work experience), plus some academic publications and patents which would support my claim as R&D manager.

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I think they advised up to 12 weeks processing when I applied but was a whole 17 weeks until I got my outcome. No particular reason I just think Vetassess drag their heels and have no urgency about them. The English test boosts the points (I had 60 prior to taking the test) if you get full marks it boosts your points by 20.

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