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Very early stages of immigration process of family of 4 going to Brisbane


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Hey there, currently at very early stages of the process , wanting to go to Brisbane as have friends there. Applying for 189 visa with hubby skill being an electrician , he is 36. He's just about to sit English test and skills assessment .


We would really like to hear some positive feedback regarding electricians or any tradesmen heading to Brisbane as everything we have read so far has not been a great read. We are aware of the fact my hubby will have to start back at the bottom as a trade assistant and study etc to convert his skills.


Also, I'm hoping its normal to have days you want to get to Oz tomorrow and days where you think what the heck are we doing ?!?!


Any families out there moved to Brisbane recently? Let me know how you are getting on .

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It's absolutely normal to have days when you think it's a great idea and days when you wonder what the heck you're thinking.


Only you can decide which one is right and which one is wrong! The only thing I can say is that the biggest reason why people fail is nothing to do with finding jobs, it's because they miss family and friends too much - so that's one thing you need to take a look at.


If you're the kind of family who pop round to Mum's or Grandma's every weekend, whose kids play with their cousins all the time, and whose friends live in your pockets - then you're likely to be miserable in Australia no matter how much you like the lifestyle. The reality for most people is that finances mean you won't see family more than once every two years or so, and Skype is no substitute (it only makes you miss them more).


If on the other hand, you're not that close to family or you're already living some distance from parents or grandparents, then you'll probably adapt just fine!


As for employment - a lot of electricians left the industry during the mining boom because there was more money in the mines, and that meant there was a real shortage of electricians for a while. Now so many people are being laid off by the mines, they're all coming home to go back into their trade again, so there's more competition for work. However the employment market varies a lot from state to state, so you really need to investigate the Brisbane market in particular - let's hope some Brisbanites can pop in and give you the lowdown, and that it's good news! Either way, the main thing is to have enough money put by that you can survive for several months on arrival, until you get jobs.

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Hi Kezza37! We're also in the early stages, although have had our visa approved.. and feel like jump from being super excited and wanting to be on the first flight over to terrified and second guessing if this is even the right move - so I sure hope it's normal!

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Welcome, Brisbane is booming however you will need to have skills transferred which for sparkies I believe is difficult.


Brisbane is still affordable however it seems to be changing very quickly with some central districts now becoming very expensive including Fortitude Valley etc.


Best of luck, you have an adventure in front of you which will have ups and downs. Your last night n UK will be a nightmare however simply consider it as a small adventure with worst case being that you return to UK.



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Thank you for your reply Marisawright, we can only but try to see how it goes, I will give it my all , I am a very sociable person and a hairdresser so that will help my socialising along with having the kids


You did say you have friends in Brisbane already so that gives you a headstart. The main concern is that no matter how many friends you make, they can never substitute for family IF you're one of those people who's very close to their family. It's not something that ever worried me but it does affect some people very deeply.

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Hey srg73, our thoughts exactly, look at it like an adventure, going to do 2years then assess . Looked into renting near our friends , been checking out lots of properties, friends gave us a rough idea of our monthly expenditure and wrote all details down , we know we will have to start off in a smaller home than we have here etc. How are you settling in? Will you stay?

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Hey there bronwen , congrats you have your visa approved!! When do you plan to go ?Which part of Oz are you off to?


Thanks Kezza37. We're planning for sometime between Feb and April next year and will be moving to Sydney, as I have some family there. Not sure whether to just jump ship and go or spend the extra month or two saving and planning... It's a very dauntingprocess and getting the visa was only the first step of many!

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