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Dealings with the Family Court - Child Custody


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My ex relocated (interstate but still a long way) just before the birth of my daughter. She is obstructing my daughter having a proper relationship with her Dad (me). Going through the hell that is the family court system at the moment which is very pro-mother by the way (even when Mum is nuts). ... Reference the case where the Aussie mum left Dad (in Italy) and took the kids to Brisbane "on a holiday", then told him she wasn't going back. It took a couple of years but the kids were forcibly removed from Mum and returned to Dad in Italy (rightly so IMO). There was a follow up story recently where they are doing great and happy as living with Dad in Italy.


Colin just feel I have to jump in here. The Family Court is not Pro Mother it depends very much on the judge you are allocated. Some are pro mother but many are pro dad I know that first hand.


So far our court costs are over $250,000 and the situation is worse than when it started. Daffodil there is a whole thread on here relating to trying to take children back to the UK try doing a search under Family Court.

What ever you do avoide the Family Court you have no idea just how bad it is. Once you get involve in family court they take over your life and you have no way out.

If your OH did agree to return to the UK but then decided he wanted to return "with the kids" the family court of Aus would fully support that becasue the kids are Aussie. As others have said you are stuck and that is so so bad my heart goes out to you.

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Colin just feel I have to jump in here. The Family Court is not Pro Mother it depends very much on the judge you are allocated. Some are pro mother but many are pro dad I know that first hand.


So far our court costs are over $250,000 and the situation is worse than when it started. Daffodil there is a whole thread on here relating to trying to take children back to the UK try doing a search under Family Court.

What ever you do avoide the Family Court you have no idea just how bad it is. Once you get involve in family court they take over your life and you have no way out.

If your OH did agree to return to the UK but then decided he wanted to return "with the kids" the family court of Aus would fully support that becasue the kids are Aussie. As others have said you are stuck and that is so so bad my heart goes out to you.


The whole thing is about lining the pockets of lawyers, it's disgusting.

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The whole thing is about lining the pockets of lawyers, it's disgusting.

Yep you got that right, time something was done about it but who would be game to take on a lawyer ? Not the average person thats for sure. We got totally ripped off .

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Colin just feel I have to jump in here. The Family Court is not Pro Mother it depends very much on the judge you are allocated. Some are pro mother but many are pro dad I know that first hand.


So far our court costs are over $250,000 and the situation is worse than when it started. Daffodil there is a whole thread on here relating to trying to take children back to the UK try doing a search under Family Court.

What ever you do avoide the Family Court you have no idea just how bad it is. Once you get involve in family court they take over your life and you have no way out.

If your OH did agree to return to the UK but then decided he wanted to return "with the kids" the family court of Aus would fully support that becasue the kids are Aussie. As others have said you are stuck and that is so so bad my heart goes out to you.


Appreciate that every case is different but that has not being my experience to date. My case is ongoing so I live in hope. Maybe it is just the judge in my case but I have sat through other cases (when waiting to be called) and IME, Mum can do whatever she likes without regard to consequences. Whatever she says is accepted as truth and Dad has to prove everything. there are some horror stories on mensline where these "mothers" have destroyed relationships for their children with their Dads.


Back in court next Monday after Mum is refusing to obey a court order for next Feb and has told lies to the court. Will let you know how I go.

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Appreciate that every case is different but that has not being my experience to date. My case is ongoing so I live in hope. Maybe it is just the judge in my case but I have sat through other cases (when waiting to be called) and IME, Mum can do whatever she likes without regard to consequences. Whatever she says is accepted as truth and Dad has to prove everything. there are some horror stories on mensline where these "mothers" have destroyed relationships for their children with their Dads.


Back in court next Monday after Mum is refusing to obey a court order for next Feb and has told lies to the court. Will let you know how I go.

Hi Colin, it is the judge I am sure of that. Our judge is known to associate with members of the mens rights movement and I can tell you he has put one mum in jail for 3 days becasue she could not find enough money for fuel to take the kids on access and dad refused to collect the kids. I feel for you I really do as our case is the exact same as yours only in reverse. I really believe the only way things can end up fair is if a different judge is allocateed when you return to court. Sort of a fresh look approach.

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