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Airlines who carry pets


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Hi We are moving back to Oz next year and plan on taking our dog -injections etc started However we have been told Emirates will only fly in their winter months ie 0ctober and lay over in Singapore is no longer an option

Qantas seemingly trialling flights once a week but will that continue ?

We would have liked to have travelled around July -August time 2016 any ideas ?

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Hi We are moving back to Oz next year and plan on taking our dog -injections etc started However we have been told Emirates will only fly in their winter months ie 0ctober and lay over in Singapore is no longer an option

Qantas seemingly trialling flights once a week but will that continue ?

We would have liked to have travelled around July -August time 2016 any ideas ?



This is true, Emirates will only fly in northern hemisphere winter/Autumn and Spring months which means July August is a no-no for animals disembarking and waiting at their Hub in dubai. The stop-over for animals at dubai can be anything from 2 to 10 hours, and if it gets busy and fraught, 20 minutes for an animal waiting on the tarmac at temps over 30 is too dangerous for the little fella's

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Depending on your dogs breed there are certain airlines that operate over to Australia, these are Singapore Airlines, Emirates or Qantas. Singapore and Emirates have quite extensive banned/ restricted breeds lists whereas Qantas will transport many of these breeds as long as they have a disclaimer signed.


If you have a snubbed nosed breed and looking to travel around July - August time then you would probably have to look at using the Qantas routing.

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