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As far as I was told you get granted an RRV and you have 5 years to activate it.

Some facts -


There are three types of RRV, 3 months, 1 year and 5 years.

You can apply from the uk


if you go home after 2 years here, let your PR travel rights almost expire, then apply in the UK for a RRV you might get 5 years .That is 5 years in which to get back to Australia cos they almost certainly won't give you another 5.


But be aware that if you leave again almost at once you would only get 3 months next time if that......


And the rules changed last time with very little notice, so be careful!

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I wonder if wanting to be home in time for a proper xmas would count as a 'special reason' :wink:



Death of a parent maybe, though i suspect they would just say get a RRV and do the ceremony when you get back. Wanting to have Christmas at home -no chance.

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@movingback which council are you with mate? ive heard City council is way quicker than other eastern councils, Waverley, Woollahra etc..

am I right in thinking as soon as your 12 month PR is done, you can pull the trigger on the online application straight away? I have my docs ready and my outlook calendar notification in there so I can do it the very morning I got my PR, 12 months on..

actually cannot wait to get the application in and start the process as sad as it sounds.. been through so many ups (earning $130k and living in a penthouse overlooking the harbour) to labouring on a building site on $60k and sleeping on a mates sofa, where I was sometimes tempted to walk off site on lunch and pack my bags and leave Sydney behind.

now Im almost there, I actually feel pretty proud ive stuck with it.

anyway, went off track there, mustve been the extra shot in my coffee this morning.

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I am with Sydney city council. I have a friend who got her ceremony in 3 weeks! However, I think it'll be January/February for me - they won't do much now with xmas coming up. My CO said it would be 3-4 months after the test. According to their website the next ceremony is Feb 3rd. I was hoping for sooner but so be it.

And yes, as long as you've been here 4 yrs + then after 12 months on PR you can apply for citizenship. I did mine 2 days after I was able to. Got my test 3 wks later and approval 1 wk after that. Happy I stuck it out too, I know I'd be sat in the UK thinking about it now and regretting not getting it!

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yeah same. I can apply around xmas time, and not expecting anything prior to june so will be keeping busy until then.

ha yes my sharp decline - the loss of LAFHA, a sudden loss of contract with work and a split with the ex sent me spiraling a tad out of control - was tough at the time as no family here to lean on but all part of the adventure.

things have levelled out for me again. despite many mates leaving, but you become accustomed to this. such is life and the transient nature of this place.

its been a rollercoaster here for me (6 yrs+) but one now im looking forward to getting off and living a more settled life back home. no right or wrong rules for people, only for the individual and associated circumstances.

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