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Heading to Perth January 2016


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Hi all,


My fiancé (will be husband shortly) and I are moving to Perth on 18th Jan 2016 and we really can't wait!! We're on a WHV as we wanted a set date and will be applying for 189 once we arrive. My faince is a joiner & engineer, both clean health, criminal records and hard workers so shouldn't have any problems.


We're very lucky and have a family friend that is meeting us from the airport and will be our 'base'. We want to be moving into our own apartment and working as soon as physically possible, will we struggle to apply for flat on WHV or will it be ok if we have jobs (hopefully we'll have permanent residency before our year on WHV is up)



Any advise is appreciated :)

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Just check. I think the wait times on applying for an onshore partner visa are even longer than the UK ones! 12-14 months this I think. You may need a bridging visa of some kind. You may need to speak to an agent to help.

If the OP has got married befire the 189 application is filed, or has been a long-term cohabiting de facto partner, then she won't need a spouse visa. She can be listed as a dependent partner on the 189.

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getting a lease on a whv is fine. i did it when i was in perth. its also a renters market in WA so you should be fine. im heading back over there on the 6th Jan with my australian partner, we've been living in ireland whilst our offshore partner visa is processed. should be granted in december.

although my mates over have told me that the job markets has slowed down considerably from when i was last there in 2013 and i should brace myself. i remember in 2012-2013, you could finish a job on a friday and have a new one monday

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