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Unsure whether to apply onshore or offshore for partner visa


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Hi all,


I have been with my partner for a year and a half and have been living in our own flat for the past year. I am going back home to the UK over Christmas for around 4 months but unsure whether we should apply for the partner visa onshore before I leave or when I am back in the UK as I may decide to stay longer there. I am currently on a temporary graduate visa which lets me stay until 2017.


Any advice would be very appreciated! Thanks!

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Both cost the same these days iirc.


If you meet the requirements now I don't see why you can't apply asap onshore. Also onshore application means you don't have to depart Aus for the visa to validate once its granted. If you lodge offshore you would have to depart Aus for 3 working days for the visa to be granted (therefore more costs). Plus as you are together now and have all the supporting evidence etc to hand you can easily upload it all for onshore application.


Also from what I can work out if you return to the UK for 4 months or longer you'd have to still account for that time as de facto as its the period of time up till lodging and probably explain the reasons you are living apart in different countries and so on I'd have thought. Just seems easier to me to lodge on shore with all that to possibly have to deal with on top lodging off shore. Just my understanding of it anyways.

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I thought onshore is somewhere around 14 months but could be a bit quicker or a bit longer.


Off shore is currently running at 10-14 months.

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