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189 Visa - Related Skilled Employment

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Hi all,


Had a question about related skilled employment for the 189 visa. First a little about my situation:




  • Received invitation to apply 9/10/15
  • EOI claim for 65 points (30 age, 20 superior English, 15 degree qualification)
  • Nominated occupation Mechanical Engineer 233512 (Professional Engineer Skill Level 1)
  • Have been working in Australia as a Mechanical Engineer for the last 2 years, but in Graduate role



I therefore did not claim the 5 points for Skilled Employment in Australia as, although my experience is in my nominated occupation, it is not at the same skill level (graduate role). Not a problem as I have more than enough points anyway and have since received an invitation to apply.


My question is this:


I am filling out the online application form and am unsure whether to select yes to the "related to nominated occupation" question next to my current job on the employment details page.


In doing so will I inadvertently subject myself to needing the extra skills assessment? In clicking no, will I harm my application chances? - I have no other professional experience.


Just to clarify again, it is related, but just not at the right skill level. I have claimed no points for skilled employment in my EOI.



Help and thanks in advance!

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I've never heard of an extra skills assessment, just the standard one needed for nominating your occupation. I assume you have received a positive skills assessment for your nominated occupation?


AFAIK, the only risk is claiming more points in your EOI than in your application but I'd probably still answer "no" just to be on the safe side. Hopefully someone who's completed an application for a 189 visa can confirm this though.

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Thanks Maggie, I have a positive Skills Assessment for my nominated occupation from Engineer's Australia. They also provide an additional service which gives an opinion on skilled employment and its relevance to the nominated occupation. I am worried that in clicking "yes", the Department of Immigration will want me to prove that my work experience is at the same skill level as my Skills Assessment. Confused? I sure am ;)

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Guest guest30085

I didn't include any work experience as part of my application, just age, degree and IELTS. List your work experience but tick 'not related'.


As for the other skills assessment, do you mean the 'points test advice' - my skills assessment was through Vetassess and they also offer this additional piece of paper with their opinion of your related work experience - it isn't necessary and the DIBP will decide for themselves. Plus you are not using work experience to claim points.

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Guest guest30085

There's no problem with not using work experience to claim points. But still list any work experience but just tick not related for it all.


Ive been in Australia for 18 months on a PR visa, they haven't thrown me out yet :wink:

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  • 1 year later...

Hi Guest30085,

Just looking to submit my EOI for the 189 having completed my first year as a teacher! And finally passed the IELTS on my 3rd attempt..Wahoo! (Phew!)

Ermm, as I only have officially one year teaching experience, do I select "Yes" for "Related Employement" even though I will not get points for this. For the rest of the jobs I have done prior I selected no. By selecting yes, on the final summary screen it highlights, English Language, Education and Employment as the categories which will award me points.

Question: Does that mean I should select No for related employment for my most recent/current employment this past year from sept16 - now? As I am not eligible for any points through employment.

Thanks! H

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