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Applying for social work visa / completing skills assessment presently...


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Hi all,

this is my first post and I was wondering if any of you helpful people could help me out please?

i found my agent who agreed I could achieve the points required to proceed with my application. I am currently at the stage of completing my skills assessment and finding it difficult, but more so because I feel I am going into too much detail and heavy on the word count. Has anyone recently completed theirs and if so how did you find it & how long did it take before you heard back?


On another note I have just been reading other posts and people's experiences etc and now I am feeling even more anxious... I have read that many people's experiences stem from many years in CP & some in fostering. I know social work is a massive sector and there are various aspects of it but my background stems from community based stuff. Since qualifying I have worked in domestic violence & early intervention & prevention, my current role is also in EIP but I am a senior practitioner supervising a team of case managers. When selecting from the skills assessments do assessor so go based on date or the cream of the crop in terms of years of experience and what type of team does any one know?


Apologies for the tons of questions and thoughts.


Any help or or adivse would be greatly appreciated :-)





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Hi Bettiblu,


I have recently completed a skills assessment with AASW and may be able to help. Are you having work experience assessed as well as degree? Your migration agent should be able to advise you on completing the form.

I only had degree assessed and not work experience but found the form fairly easy to do. Are there specific sections you are having difficulty with?

I received answer in 10 weeks they send an email first then you receive letter in the post afterwards.


The area of experience is not the concern it is that it meets the criteria of immigration's definition of social worker and that it is post graduate experience.

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Thank you KMRG,

my agent has sent me the learning outcomes I need to provide evidence of and it says to tie it in with work case studies. I have done this but have gone over the word count (they advised 2-3000) because I think I have gone into too much detail and over complicating it for myself. How come you only needed to have your degree assessed?

When are you looking at making the big move and where are you planning on going? Sorry for all the questions ☺️

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Hi again sorry late reply,


I only had my degree assessed as at the time I had less than 3 years post graduate experience so not able to claim any points for this.

I have 60 points from completing IELTS and getting a score of 8 overall which gave me 20 points, then 25 for age and 15 for degree.


I am planning on putting EOI in soon and then going to Melbourne some time next year. My experience is with adults with disabilities mainly and some work with Older People in hospital discharge teams. I have looked on seek.com.au to see what jobs are available and they are mainly under the title of Case Manager.


Are you planning on moving to a particular state? If so then just search on seek.com.au for your sector of social work and see what is available.

In Melbourne there seem's to be a couple of social work employment agencies (One being McArthur) which I am going to contact prior to moving to check how likely I am to find work.


Just realised didn't answer orginal questions about selecting from skills assessments, do you mean when you are selected to apply for visa after submitting EOI? If so this is purely based on how many points you have eg those with 70 points will be selected before those with 65 etc



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Hi thanks for your reply and apologies for my now late reply.

Ftom ehat I gather I have to include cases from practise as I have Ben qualified for 4 years. I have done my skills assessment but 1000 words over so I need to cut it. I have given it to my agent to read but she said at this point she is not sure how much help she can be in terms of its content etc. Has your agent supported you in writing yours and what info you need to supply?

I am ready to hand this skills asses net in but don't want to waste all that money if it is unsuccessful, that's why I was thinking my agent could check it and say whether she thinks it's on point or not?


I was planning on moving to Sydney at some point next year hopefully, however gold coast or Brisbane is also a possibility as my best friends live on the GC.

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My OH didn't do case studies at all. He was assessed in January.

He completed a degree 6 years ago and got the University to supply the relevant course information.

He then had a letter from his employer confirming his experience. Letter was 2 sides of A4.

Are you sure you need to do case studies? If you have the relevant degree and did practice placements as part of this, you don't need to. The form is quite confusing but we cleared this with AASW.

The only difficulty was getting all the docs from other people - he did very little form filling.

OH got points for experience and for degree.

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Thank you peachy!

I have found the checklist that has been provided to me very confusing. From what I can remember and it is in my emails I can have the form completed by my university which was completed in April this year and on the checklist I was also asked to complete case studies etc to prove my skills with my post qual experience.

Pmy uni have completed, well stamped the form to confirm my MA meet the AASW requirements and have also supplied my course handbook with the course outcomes. I have sent this today along with all my certified copies etc I am just hoping that is enough but as I say the checklist and info I was provided with appears to be contradictory. Needless to say I have become very frustrated.


How quickly was OH assessment approved and how long did you have to wait for your EOI invite?

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  • 1 month later...

Hi there, have a long term plan to get over to Australia, am hoping to start a social work degree in September, will I need experience on top of this?? As understand that there is lots of work placement included within the course??


any help greatly received and good luck to you.

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Hi Nikki, not to put a downer on things but when I emigrated in 2012 getting my qualification assessed by the Australian authority was by far the hardest part of the process. My problem was my course was too short, it was a masters from the University of Bristol obtained over two years. In the end, they assessed my qualification at 'Welfare Worker' level, which didn't really bother me too much as I'd had a belly full of social work anyway and welfare worker and social worker carry the same point score.


I have to say that the gentleman who assessed my qualification in Melbourne was one of the most officious and unpleasant characters I'd ever had the misfortune of dealing with in my life. I really felt he was enjoying his little piece of power over my future in Australia. He had me going back to Bristol University to ask them if they could reissue my degree certificate with the word 'postgraduate' removed, that sort of thing.


Good luck with your application

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Hi Nikki Noosh,


I was assessed by the Australian Association of Social Workers earlier this year. I received a positive skills assessment based on qualification only not work experience years. (Although at the time I did have 20 months post graduation experience)

However as others have said I think it depends on how many years your degree is. I completed MSC Social Work which was 2 years and then had an undergraduate degree of three years (not in related subject)so was told I had enough years study. I believe if you do an undergraduate social work degree of three years this may not be enough as the Australian degree is four years. Therefore AASW want work experience to make up for only having 3 years study.


The best thing to do is to email AASW direct, I did this before applying and found them very helpful. Then get a free assessment from a MARA registered migration agent.




Hi there, have a long term plan to get over to Australia, am hoping to start a social work degree in September, will I need experience on top of this?? As understand that there is lots of work placement included within the course??


any help greatly received and good luck to you.

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