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Enrolling children in school in WA in 2016


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Hi all, grateful if anyone can offer advice, emigrating in April 2016 an looking at renting in halls head, can anyone help in terms of schooling for my children, we are emigrating on a 189 visa.


1) do I need to enrol them now before emigrating they will be 11 and 13


2) I need to rent a holiday home first before looking for long term accommodation so how do I stand with schools, don't want to uproot them twice


3) can anyone enlighten me on voluntary contribution fee




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Why Halls Head? Halls Head Community College would be the local high school and it is very poor in terms of results - significantly below the Australian average in terms of numeracy and literacy testing and results in Year 12 (final year) didn't make the league tables as they were so poor. 42% of the families fall in the lowest income bracket (average for Australia 25%).You don't have to enrol them beforehand as schools will often want evidence of where you are living - you have to be in the catchment area though sometimes they will take kids out of the area if they have space. Private schools you can enrol now.

4 weeks in a holiday place would probably be long enough to find a house.

Voluntary contributions - is voluntary but that's because the school can't ask you to pay it. the contribution might make the difference between having an extra teacher assistant, or an art/music teacher in primary school, or an outside organisation to come in and teach PE - it pays for the added extras that make the school a good place to be and that are not provided by the Education department. If no one paid it then schools would struggle with resources and have to do lots more fund raising.

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Hi bob1 thanks for your reply, to be honest we have never been to Austrailia and we have friends in Central mandurah and wannaup, who have provided us with some areas around that they consider nice areas to live, at the moment I feel like my head is spinning as really can't decide on a place we know this is a huge decision and decided not to holiday as this could be spent on the move. However, we really need to decide and thought maybe 4 wks in holiday home would let us have a look around some of the areas.the children's education is very important and we are thinking this may decided where we live as neither myself or my husband mind commuting to work as we do that now... Any advice on schools would be greatful... Where can I find this information on results???

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Myschool.edu.au but it won't be a comprehensive comparison.


Most people choose their homes based on their proximity to work, availability of resources, cost of accommodation availability of accommodation etc - the school then generally falls into place! General rule of thumb: if you don't want to live in a suburb you won't want to send your kid to school there! Get work first then go from there - you could well regret an unnecessary commute a few weeks down the track!


Schools won't enroll until you've got a permanent address. 4-6 weeks might be enough

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Regarding the voluntary contribution - when I did my teaching practicum in the Mandurah area I discovered that many public high schools charge a voluntary contribution per subject, to cover resources etc, and if you don't pay the subject fee (or any of your Voluntary contribution) then your child will get put into the 'free' classes with other non-paying children. These tend to be kids of parents who don't value education, so the classes can be a little unruly...

Might seem unfair but the schools have got to make ends meet, and state schools get very little funding from the government these days, which is why they've had to lose lots of Education Assistants etc

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