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Partner visa 820 onshore waiting room


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Not sure if there is a similar thread and someone could link me. Just thought I'd try contact any fellow 820 applicants and get an idea of when visa grants are coming through and chat to people in a similar situation.


My timeline reads:

Entered Australia 21 Sept 2013 on WHV

De Facto Relationship started 30 December 2013

Applied for 820 Partner visa: 26 April 2015



Medicals submitted 26 April 2015

Police checks submitted 26 April 2015

Bridging Visa granted: 26 April 2015

Bridging visa in effect: 21 Sept 2015


Just playing the waiting game now.


Also, just been looking through the DIBP website and found this, I know average processing for partner visas is anywhere from 10-15 months at the moment but this web page seems to indicate it could be less.





As I applied onshore and from a low risk country, just looking to see if anyone knows whether low risk gets processed any sooner than high risk? Or whether it is literally in date order.



My application was onshore, online, decision ready and low risk. I guess I'm looking at a grant date of around April-July 2016. Just getting frustrated when employers disregard job applications because I'm on a bridging visa, even though I have full working rights.



Anyway, rant over. Would be good to get in touch with other 820 applicants and look at when people are getting grants through! :)

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Hi there.


We have a big thread for partner visas here - http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/migration-issues/58449-summary-spouse-visa-processing-times-offshore-uk-please-add-your-stats.html


It was started for off shore but lots of on shore applicants post to it as well these days.


On shore is around 14 months iirc. Could be a bit quicker. It generally takes longer for the initial application than if you lodge offshore. They do that for a reason. If it was quicker probably a lot more people would lodge onshore.


I doubt being decision ready will bump you ahead of the queue. It is what it is, you lodge, you go into the queue and they get around to you eventually. I know its not a nice wait but its one of those things, its a short term no ideal situation for the long term reward :)


Re the work, do you have to tell people you are on a bridging visa? Unless its a permanent contract long term type job I'd just say you have full working rights and be done with it. If its casual, contract or some such, I'd not go into the specifics.

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I echo the above advice about work. My daughter had no problems really, just said words to the effect, full work rights on partner visa! a bit economical with the truth perhaps? but it worked.

Like you she lodged partner visa from WHV/457, 820 took a while.

Lodged 801 Dec. 2014, PR granted last week.

Hope that helps.

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Thanks guys! Maybe I am just being a bit too honest about the visa situation! I've already had to leave one job and looking for another so maybe a little white lie isn't too bad :)


I don't see its an issue. You have full work rights on your bridging visa. I just say I have full working rights for Australia all the time and I ain't on a bridging visa ;)

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