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Leaving tomorrow don't think I can go!


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We are here in Perth!!!

sorry it's taken so long to reply our wifi isn't working its only staying on for about 2 minutes at any time so I've only got to read all your replies now wow what a response and thank you to you all. I never closed one eye on Wednesday and had what felt like panic attack it was awful like someone else said I was fine packing emptying house etc but that last night in bed it all went pear shaped I couldn't believe how I felt anyway my DH encouraged me that morning saying we could come home after Christmas if I didn't like it (we already had a two year pact in place) the final goodbyes to our parents at the house (thankfully we didn't do airport goodbyes learnt that from here so thank you) were just horrific it really was awful. I cried on and off all the way to Dubai and then it stopped! we have had a lovely few days even got a 12 month rental sorted in our suburb of choice have been on to mum and dad every day and yesterday on FaceTime which was lovely and I knew they were delighted too. You must have all thought I was mad but I knew someone would have felt like that at some stage so thank you for all the replies. We are off to look at a car today and have friends coming for as pool party at our holiday rental. I will give you an update again but for now thank you to you all feeling very lucky to be here. Onwards and upwards xxx


Good stuff and well done.


A couple of pointers to help you settle in:


1. Things here are fantastic, but they can be equally annoying. Same as anywhere in the world really, so just accept the irritating things like Australian bureaucracy at face value.

2. Don't be tempted to compare everything to the UK or anywhere else.

3. Enjoy the things that make life great here and don't worry about the little things. I paid $5 for a bottle of washing up liquid last night for example, but 5 mins later I was walking on the beach at sunset in 30C+

4. Pick a sports team asap as it's the quickest way in to Australian culture.

5. Any time you have a wobble (as we all do from time to time) take time to talk through why you're upset and what is causing it. Advice on this forum can be really helpful as it's impartial and people will support you without the baggage or guilt trips that come from family members. At the end of the day, we've all been there.


Anyway, enjoy it and try not to get eaten by a shark, bitten by a snake or stung by a jellyfish!

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completely normal. I felt like that before our move in 2008. It was very quickly cured by those gorgeous blue skies, beautiful beaches and the feeling that you really get to live your life for YOU for a change. Go get on that plane. Experience it. Chances are you'll LOVE it, but if you don't then you can always move back!

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