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Leaving UK in January on Partner Visa and i have a few question....


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Hi All,


My Australian national girlfriend who has lived in the UK for 10 years and I (a UK national), will be leaving the UK in January on a Partner Visa. I'm currently looking into things I need to do before I leave (too many to list of course). But one specific question I have is regarding Income Tax and National Insurance. From what I've read, I will need to complete a P85 form and submit it to HMRC prior to leaving, together with my P45/P60 slips received from my employee. If there's an tax rebate, this should be paid out to me at some point. Is there anything else I need to do in terms of informing the right people of my departure?

Also, regarding National Insurance, although I'm only 37, but have been in full time employment since I left college, can I expect some from of State Pension from the UK government at retirement age?


Being an Oz national, will be girlfriend need to do exactly the same too?


These are just random thought that are going through my head right now.


Thanks all.

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There is no requirement at all for you to fill in a P85 and send in P60s or P45s. The P85 is entirely optional. You could equally just wait a couple of months and fill in a tax return and get your overpaid tax back that way.


Yes your partner should do the same if she had employment income as she would probably also be due a tax rebate.


Who knows what UK pension rules will say in thirty years! But at the moment you would qualify for something yes.

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If she hasn't done it already, your Aus gf should get her citizenship before she leaves. Neither of you know how life will turn out and getting her back in as a spouse will be very hard if current regs are anything to go by.


you should continue to pay your NI contributions (lower rate) while in Aus if you expect a pension at some stage

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