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How do you succeed in your new life in Australia?


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Come with an open mind

Don't listen to what you're told on this forum

Take everything as you find it as were all different

Remember Australia is not the UK but warmer

Do not compare prices

Once you're earning $'s it doesn't matter

Remember it will take time for things to fall into place maybe years

I believe you only get out what you put in yourself

Australia aint perfect but where is?


It doesn't work out for everyone

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  • 6 months later...
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It's not so easy to settle into a new life really, but I reckon that's to be expected. In my wife and my cases, we love it here when we get a break and some time off. But circumstances have made it so that we are mega busy, more so than we were in the UK.


But this is because we moved from a mid-sized town of 80k people to the most expensive city in Australia, so that's why that is a thing... If we'd have moved to London it would have been just as hard (except we could have popped back to Wrexham easily...) I did pop on to see some tips about settling, but haven't got time to get sucked into loads of posts, but saw this one.


We get our ups and downs, and sometimes see our UK life through rose-tinted spectacles. But these things come and go.


The kids sometimes get very upset about missing best friends, grandmas and granddads, and I get a niggling image of waving goodbye to people that never seems to leave, it pops in my head on down days. It's very vivid. Strangely enough, when all these famous people die as they seem to do a lot recently (Prince, Bowie) I get very homesick and feel like I should be with my family.


What can you do? You can't have it all ways (unless you are very rich and can afford to fly back a lot).


I think we just have to be honest with ourselves and say 'we chose this and made it happen'. We literally made a monster effort to get here. and If we wanted to get home it would be much easier to get back* - so why fret? It's not like anyone can force many of us to stay


* although by this point we'd be massively skint, and wouldn't then be in any financial position ping-pong

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