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I am a Newbie and havent a clue where to start


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Hi All


I am wanting to start the process of moving to Western Australia, but I have NO idea where to start!! Family of 5!! Any help on where to start will be greatly appreciated TIA :err:


Here's a good place to start:


http://www.border.gov.au/ :D


See section: Individuals and Travellers > Visas


As Bungo said, a bit more info would be nice (at least your age and occupation, and how many years you've been in your occupation)

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Sorry, I did say I was new lol


Im 44, wife is 43, kids are 10, 9 and 7.


I am an aircraft painter/ offshore painter shotblaster, ive been doing this for the last 23 years, the wife is a Teaching Assistant in a juniour School, previuosly employed in logisitics and warehouse distribution.


Any/All information will be gratefully received, with regards Visa types, companies to use (if any), timescales and costs etc etc


thanks for the responses :)

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To be honest, I don't feel full of hope for you so far. When are you 45? It ask as it is very important for skilled migration.


I am not sure that your occupation is going to be on the lists, but what you need to do is Google or search in the immigration website to find the SOL or CSOL, then see if the is an occupation on there you might slot into. I am sure that your wife is not going to be on the list, so will be down to you.

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