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Advice please??


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Good Morning all,


My husband and I intend to go to Oz on a business Visa (160). So far we have submitted the State Notifications & are waiting for those to come back before we proceed with Visa application. Can anyone please tell me what happens if you do not meet the criteria to apply for residency when the 4year period is up? Can you have it extended, or do they throw you out!!!


Also, is the AAT (Accounting Technician) qualification recognised in OZ?





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Hi again.


After about ten years of talk! and two years of deciding which visa! we decided to apply for a 175 visa, the independent skilled one. But as speed clearly isn't our strong point we missed out on the Pathway D option (for skilled workers without qualifications) as it was taken away. So we are now paying for a great Australia based company to assess my hubby and hopefully award him an Australian qualification so we can apply through a different route. I am just proud we have got ourselves this far! We are looking at going to the Gold Coast as my brother is there.


Where abouts are you going? Are you setting up your own business when you arrive or taking one with you?



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Hi Kate,


We have an Elec Wholesalers, and would like to start up as that. Not sure of location though. We have been to Brisbane & Sydney (we loved both) but we defo need to do a reccie trip for research. We have applied to WA,VIC,NSW & QA for our state notifications. We have been told that Brisbane would be our best bet for starting our type of business by an emigration? agent, but he was in Brisbane & may be biased! Who do you trust? We are still trying to decide wether to use an agent or go it alone! Its all scary stuff.

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I couldn't tell you where's best to set up. I know that the construction industry in the Gold Coast is immense and probably will continue to be so for a few years to come. My brother is actually an electrician and lives there and he says that the plans for buildings going up is endless. He has only been there a year and already has been poached to become a supervisor. But then Sydney will more than likely always be booming.


We will use an agent I think once we get through the trades recognition bit. Probably a waste of money but that's what I do best! Plus I'd rather have someone to blame if there are any problems!


Whereabouts in Kent are you?

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Tonbridge. So not far.


I hope someone answers your question soon anyway. Have you contacted an agent to see if they can help? I haven't come across too many people on here going out on a business visa to be honest. Mainly 175's like us and 457 temp visas.


One of the moderator's is great at answering the complicated visa queries! Maybe she'll be online later to help you.


Good luck. I'll look for other posts of yours on the future.



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We have spoken to several agents & they are all advising to do the business route (hubby has no qualifications - I have AAT but not sure if good enough), but I keep thinking of new questions to ask, and worry about!!! Hubby not happy about going out on the B/Visa & not meeting the targets they set for PR. So much for having faith in yourself? What does your other half do? And you of course, will you work?

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My hubby is a dryliner. 20 years experience but no formal qualifications. Even NVQ's aren't a guarantee now unless you back them up with college hours. But we found this company called ACTS who come over to the UK and assess you along with references and other paperwork and then if you pass give you an AQF3 certificate. This means you can then pass the TRA visa Pathway E. They have some kind of agreement with the TRA. It's costly at £3750 but this also includes the necessary liscensing and health and safety papers you need to work in Oz. So you haven't got any of that to worry about on arrival.


I'm a medical secretary which apparently they are crying out for in Oz too. Anyone with medical experience is needed badly. I do however, once settled, intend to go to uni and study. I want to be a speech therapist.


I'm sorry what is AAT?

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Accounting Technician - accountant, but not chartered.


I am doing a Sign Languarge course at the moment & I was hoping for a change of career when I am finished, possibly in teaching deaf children or adults. Tried to find jobs in OZ on the internet but I drew a complete blank, so it may well be back to the double entry bookkeeping for me!


Good Luck with all your necessities, thats an awful lot of money!

Will speak to you again no doubt,

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