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What are the chances with 65 points for Independent Subclass 189 and 190?


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Hello folks,

I am planning to apply for either Skilled Independent subclass 189 or 190. Using online calculators, I get 65 points. I'm not sure how the applications get picked up from pool (do all over 60 points get picked up?). Does anyone know if 65 points are enough to get an invitation to apply?

If they are enough, how long could it take for this much points to get an invitation?



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Very high chance of an invitation at the next available round.


For example, If you have your skills assessment already and you're ready to, you could submit your EOI today and you'd have a good chance of getting the invite for a 189 by midnight tonight (AEST) if you have 65 points.

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Make sure your skills have been assessed, ielts etc completed and submit away. My submission was on the first month of the new system and I got picked with 85 points although that was 2 years ago.


Do consider your 189 and 190 option, 190 gets you 5 extra points as I recall but does tie you to a state which I don't think is a good idea as it limits your choices significantly.



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