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Pearson PTE academic exam - today


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Well after failing the dreaded evil IELTS 3 times, today I sat the PTE exam.


I am just on the way out at Gatwick after sitting the PTE exam this morning in London (a couple other people doing the test for OZ visa) had to fly in and out same day to sit it as nowhere near me does it.


On first impressions the test seemed easier in terms of the format of the test, but I can see why some people would be put off as it is quite academic in terms of the subject matter of the questions and the wording etc.


Now the wait for results, aiming for at least 79 in each of the 4 parts needed.

At least you dot have to wait 2 weeks for the results like IELTS.

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Thanks for all your kind wishes, got the results this morning just after 7am.


Speaking 90

Listening 90

Reading 90

Writing 73!!!!!!


Not sure if it's worth asking for a rescore as seems strange writing is low compared to the other results?


Sorry to hear that Rob.

Could you look for a writing tutor to get you over that last hurdle? My results were similar, with top marks everywhere except writing. I've never been very good at creative writing, especially if the subject is not something that interests me.

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Thanks for all your kind wishes, got the results this morning just after 7am.


Speaking 90

Listening 90

Reading 90

Writing 73!!!!!!


Not sure if it's worth asking for a rescore as seems strange writing is low compared to the other results?


I sat the exam yesterday at LSBF, this was my second attempt at the PTE-A, similar to you 1 area speaking let me down at 77 which was an improvement from 67 last time.


In the IELTS-A it is the writing which lets me down at 7.5 but I can get 9's in the rest.


Really not sure what to do now, I've sat each test twice!


If you read the rescore page it states that it is rescored by a computer, so not much point in that.

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I also took mine at LSBF yesterday. I will have to rebook to sit it again in a few weeks.

What makes it so annoying for me, is that each time I need to take the English test it costs me approximately £200 in flights plus other expenses like train fares and food etc.



What did you use to revise for the written part?

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Thanks for all your kind wishes, got the results this morning just after 7am.


Speaking 90

Listening 90

Reading 90

Writing 73!!!!!!


Not sure if it's worth asking for a rescore as seems strange writing is low compared to the other results?




You can do the online practice tests, which I would recommend if you haven't tried these.


One other piece of advice I would give on the writing, is as follows:-


1. Always re-read and go back over your written answers. This always made a big difference to my marks....

2. Whilst its tempting to try to write long words / good grammar to bump up marks, my philosophy is that you lose more marks for spelling errors than you get for writing a long / grammatically more difficult answer. So in this sense, keep it simple and get the spelling right...



I know its a pain - but stick with it and you will crack it...


Good luck man..

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I also took mine at LSBF yesterday. I will have to rebook to sit it again in a few weeks.

What makes it so annoying for me, is that each time I need to take the English test it costs me approximately £200 in flights plus other expenses like train fares and food etc.



What did you use to revise for the written part?


I didn't do any practice, I sit in front of a computer all day so my written is generally OK, I just depend on the spell checker too much now!


As others have said, the best thing to do is go back over what you have wrote a few times reading it slowly to look for errors, and try not to use words you are not 100% on spelling.

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