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Work references for visa application - query


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Does anyone know whether the case officer contacts your current and previous employers to validate the work references uploaded for your visa application? The reason I ask isn't because of anything dodgy, just that my previous employer is on holiday until September and therefore no one will be available until then and I don't want the case officer to think they are a made up referee!


Secondly, when seeking the reference letter from my current employer, I didn't say what it was for as I don't want to rock the boat at work by suggesting I'm leaving until I really have to and we might not go for some time yet (I think she assumed it was to help with a mortgage application). So the question is, should I tell her now in case she's contacted by the immigration board?


I wish I could stop my brain from stressing about this whole process, but I'm so scared something is going to go wrong and we don't get our visa (but then I'm sure we're all in the same boat!).



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