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Bringing adult (18yrs) child to Aus not included on original visa.


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Hi Guys

just wondering if anyone has brought over an elder child later on and if so how you did it?


Have been here on 175 for 2 years now, I migrated with my 2 youngest children at the time of visa application my then 15 year old daughter was with her father who had allowed no contact with myself for previous 2 years and as requirement of visa process I had to either produce medical for her or sign a clause that wouldn't try and bring her at later date.

ex point blank refused for medical.

anyway long story short she is now 18 and working part time so has opportunity to contact me which has done.

she is in pretty dire situation having to go out of house to parks and coffee shops to speak, he takes 450 of 500 monthly wages for board and has threatened to kick her out if reconnects with me. Hugely stressful being so far away.

About to marry an oz citizen who would be happy to sponsor her but it seems can only do that if she is full time student and mostly financially dependent on sponsor.

Other than very costly oz student route ( around 65k for international fees degree) then after education her applying for post study work visa and possibly then having fulfilled requirement to try for PR

is there any other option?


hoping someone can help


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A very tricky and complex situation.

The student route is very rarely a worthwhile option as there are very few study options that would result in the ability to apply for pr afterwards. Most people have to go home and get a job to gain the experience needed to pass the skills assessment.


She could come for 2 years under the Working Holiday Visa - a one year visa, which if she undertook 3 months of regional work, would allow a second year.


I think the best thing you should do is speak to a good registered migration agent such as Go Matilda

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