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Best suburbs for schools and young families??


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Can anybody help with this? We are hoping to move out to Perth next year with 4 year old twins and a 2 year old. We are looking to find an area which has good schools and is family orientated. I believe such areas have very high rental costs - is there anywhere that offers both with reasonable rent? Probably a silly question!


Thanks 

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Need some more information really. What jobs do you have, where might you need to work? Do you drive? Do you want to be close to cafes and restaurants, close to the beach etc. Perth is a City of over a million people so without further information it's hard to answer.

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Thanks for your post. We don't have any jobs lined up yet as we aren't planning to move to next August/September. I am a secondary school teacher and my husband a joiner. Yes we will both be driving. Ideally it would be nice to be close to the beach but not so close to incur the massive rental costs. So even a short drive. Cafes and restaurants would be a bonus. We primarily want good schools for the kids but also an area which offers plenty of things to do with them and obviously be safe and secure.

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