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Haha, good one!


Well, I'm hoping to make my move to Oz in the near future (sooner rather than later), so I'm doing all the research I can find. From what I've seen, the skilled worker visa thingy is looking like the easiest way to go. Looking at the list, they seem to need motorcycle mechanics, and so I'm thinking to do a course in that to get the ball rolling.


What about you?

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It is not just a matter of doing a course. You need to pass a skills assessment. This would require you to be fully qualified in a trade. Effectively a full apprentership. So several years. Then you need post qualifacation experience. This varies by trade, but is usually several years.

You would also need to understand that the occupation lists change regularly and there is no guarantee that a particular occupation would still be on the list by the time you are able to apply.

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I don't know the exact guide for investment visas. Though I believe it is several million.


It it is available on the immi.gov.au web site


if you are under 30 you could look at a working holiday visa. That can - if you do the nominated regional work, give you two years here. But, it is what it says - a holiday which is unlikely to become anything more.

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