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A visit changed my mind....


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I think you'd want family/friends to have a little interest with your life in oz.it's nothing to do with heroism or anything,its just that some like myself aswell might of had a few rough times in oz and may want to talk about it with loved ones.and if they dont show interest,i think it would hurt a little,as you expect them to care.im going uk for a holiday soon,and it would be so comforting and nice to be able to finally talk to someone about the tough times I've personally had here

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I think you'd want family/friends to have a little interest with your life in oz.it's nothing to do with heroism or anything,its just that some like myself aswell might of had a few rough times in oz and may want to talk about it with loved ones.and if they dont show interest,i think it would hurt a little,as you expect them to care


This is what I'm getting at. I was curious about their lives - asking about work/where they're working, how the kids are getting on at school, what plans they had for the year, how the renovations were going on the house. Not once did anyone even ask where I was living in Australia (and theres no way some of them would know!), or what job I was doing. Aside from my (one sided) questions, talk revolved around food, sports, celebrity crap etc etc. I have a thick skin, I wasn't offended. Just found it curious.

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This is what I'm getting at. I was curious about their lives - asking about work/where they're working, how the kids are getting on at school, what plans they had for the year, how the renovations were going on the house. Not once did anyone even ask where I was living in Australia (and theres no way some of them would know!), or what job I was doing. Aside from my (one sided) questions, talk revolved around food, sports, celebrity crap etc etc. I have a thick skin, I wasn't offended. Just found it curious.


Alot thick skinned than me,i would've been hurt.especially if you showed interest in their life,and they didnt even ask you where you at in oz,whether you like it,etc

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Hi All, I have spent the last few months driving myself crazy thinking and planning my move bk to the uk. I just returned from a 3 week visit though and now my mind has been changed. I nearly packed it all in and wasn't even going to get my residency! Yes I had a great time and I love spending time with my family but you just don't realise how different life is there. The biggest thing for me was just how little I had in common with my friends now :( everyone is settling down and having kids. No body even really asked about my life here actually. Ive come back and realised just how lucky we are to be in oz. Although I have no family here my friends are friends out of choice with the same passion and goals and experiences - not just because we used to go to school together, or grew up in the same place. TBH I feel its harder now as I don't want to live my life so far away from all my family. I cant afford the flights every year- and also it means I never get to have an actualy holiday as all my holiday time is used up. I think for now il continue with PR app- if I can stay for my passport for another year or so then that would be ideal. Kind of strange knowing I wont ever really feel complete anywhere... almost wish I hadn't come away and I wouldn't know any better! Just my personal experience- its nice to know im not alone in this feeling though. Thanks



I came over over for a 7 week holiday over Christmas & New Year, and I just couldn't get my head around having Christmas on the Beach with a BBQ........... It's weird, but I will get used to it one day! :-)

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