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Long Term unemployment is high in Aus


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http://www.theage.com.au/federal-politics/political-news/the-abbott-government-is-facing-a-worrying-growth-in-longterm-unemployment-but-many-in-business-and-politics-are-staying-silent-20150606-ghhbwt AGE newspaper today discussing the subject that never gets discussed but is apparent to most of us in ordinary land.


Where I live youth unemployment is extremely high and older people who have lost their jobs are having it tough too. Funny they want the retirement age at 70 but don't speak about how people are going to be able to retain a job after 55 if they lose it.

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Isn't it amazing the government's intended answer to high youth unemployment would have been? Stop the dole for six months to everyone under thirty. Rather typical denial instead of focusing on solutions to an entrenched problem actually made worse by ongoing policy.


Ageism is ripe in many positions sometimes weirdly in reverse. There are places where older folk are entrenched and appear to be going nowhere and yet others where management positions seem to go to ill experienced not long out of uni folk in say late twenties and older folk often sorting out the mess that often arises at least in the early days from that.


Retraining over 55? It can be done of course but what employer is going to recruit a raw oldie I'm not sure. There's more than enough young graduates to go around who are far easier in general to manipulate. So chances are it would be a pretty basic job without the necessary connections or financial independence to start up a business or venture.

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