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A Big Yorkshire Hello to everyone


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Hey Everyone,


I have been living in NSW for about 10 months now, kind of struggling with it all too be honest. I have just discovered this site, so it's great to read everyone else's challenge's with the move. I have been living in New Zealand for 10 years, and have moved here because of my husband's job. We are both from Yorkshire, and in our late 40's.

Hope to hear from someone soon :)

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Hi! Are you on facebook? There are quite a few groups on there that people use to meet up etc. Where abouts are you? There are quite a few expats in Sydney some with/without kids you dont mention any?


(this is Sarah, Jon's wife)

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I see I'm not allowed to post links, hmm! There is one group called mums away (sydney) and another called Over 40's In Hills Area, Sydney and we're not too far from Penrith. Some of us have kids at school but there are a few that have older kids as well so feel free to join the groups it might help. The first year is definitely the hardest and it is harder to meet people with older kids as well. Good luck :-)

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Thanks, ive joined the one on facebook called Over 40's in Hills Area, Im used to being away from the Uk as I have been in New Zealand for 10 years, then came here last September, but much harder to meet people when your kids are grown up, and also very different to New Zealand living too ;)

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Hey, is there anyone who could help me with a question. Is it easy to apply for Visa by oneself or is it advisable to go through an agent, to be on the safer side. Is the visa process tedious? I have to apply for Visa 190?

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