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Cancelling WHV


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Hi, first time posting here, just looking for a bit of advice


Basically I applied for a WHV last year and had one granted in August. I originally intended to travel in February but for one reason it another I had to postpone my trip until this coming August. I plan to travel through Asia for a couple of months on my way to Australia so my visa will expire before I get there. I know I can apply for a new one as soon as it expires but I'll already be on the road at that stage and obviously I'd prefer to have the visa sorted before I commit to traveling


Has anyone been in this situation before? I've already talked to the immi help centre but they just gave me a non discript answer about cancelling my current visa then applying for a new one while warning me that this could have 'significant process time'.


Would it be best to go down that route it just cancel my trip for another month and hope I get a new visa quickly once the old one expires?


Thanks for any help

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Hi, first time posting here, just looking for a bit of advice


Basically I applied for a WHV last year and had one granted in August. I originally intended to travel in February but for one reason it another I had to postpone my trip until this coming August. I plan to travel through Asia for a couple of months on my way to Australia so my visa will expire before I get there. I know I can apply for a new one as soon as it expires but I'll already be on the road at that stage and obviously I'd prefer to have the visa sorted before I commit to traveling


Has anyone been in this situation before? I've already talked to the immi help centre but they just gave me a non discript answer about cancelling my current visa then applying for a new one while warning me that this could have 'significant process time'.


Would it be best to go down that route it just cancel my trip for another month and hope I get a new visa quickly once the old one expires?


Thanks for any help


Well immigration helplines are not known for giving out great information, but they don't seem to have done too badly this time. They told you that you need to cancel it, what is not clear about that?


I thought that you need to cancel it, I am not sure if letting it expire is sufficient. If you are sure that you can just let it expire then do so, but I would be following the advice given in this case.


Of course if you want to do the really easy option, it would be to use it before it expires, you could arrive the day before even.

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Yeah I'm just a bit concerned by how long it'd take to process the cancellation and whether it'd affect my application for a new one. I don't want to cancel then find I have to wait several months for a new one if simply letting it run out and reapplying is quicker.


The person I talked to was very vague with her answers and didn't really tell me anything definitive so I'm just looking for anyone who's had a similar experience before I take the plunge one way or the other

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Good timing. Ive just been onto the Australian Immigration Border Control Eurpoean centre line and spoke to someone about the exact same thing.


He gave me 3 options -


1 - Apply for an Evisitor Visa which is completely free. This will automatically cancel your previous visa and entitle you to apply for a new one.


2 - Email super.hobart@immi.gov.au and tell them you want the previously accepted visa cancelled which would then entitle you to apply for a new one. Just write a statement explaining why you didn't enter Australia.


3 - Let your previously accepted visa expire and then apply for a new one.


They assured me that i can apply for a new visa as my last one wasn't activated as i didn't enter Australia. The process time may take a little bit longer but it doesn't affect your eligibility. As long as you still meet the criteria needed for a subclass 417 then there shouldnt be a problem.

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