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HNC Construction Managment, is it enough ?

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Hello Everyone


I have 10 years in the building trade and at the age of 29 decided to go back to college to gain a Construction Management qualification. I aim to stay on and go to University but i am wondering if i could gain emplyment with just an HNC.


Any advice would be appreciated





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Local experience is what is required in AU. The only qualification which counts is a BSc (Hons) degree in a building discipline however you still struggle given the lack of local building experience.


Can be frustrating.



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You will be very very lucky to get a job from overseas m8. There are a lot of experienced construction personnel here and as mentioned local experience is the key. Your 29. So 2 years HNC that should get you into year 2 of a degree depending on your grades then 2 years full time for degree. That's 4 years before your qualified. Then to get a skilled visa would be the next challenge as you will have no usable experience as they only count post qualification. Maybe have a free consultation with a migration agent to look at your options. Good luck

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