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Still waiting for visa please help


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Hi thanks for reading,


my boyfriend and I have both applied for working holiday visas and his arrived within 48 hours as it should. It has been 10 days and I still have not received mine. It says online 90% should be done within 48 hours. I am just wondering if anyone else has been in the situation where they have been waiting for it to arrive and have entered austrailia on a different visa whilst waiting for their working holiday visa to be approved and if so how did they do it. I have found it very difficult to find a definitive answer online and would be extremely gratefull if someone could help!


many thanks guys!

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Sounds like you've fallen under the 10% that don't get their visas quickly and I'm afraid that apart from sending an enquiry, there's nothing you can do but wait.

http://www.immi.gov.au/contacts/forms/email/eform-processing-centres-working-holiday.htm Working Holiday Maker Application Enquiry Form


Working Holiday visas can only be granted offshore. If you were to come to Australia on a different visa and are onshore when it is granted, it will cancel the visa you entered on (so you'll be in Australia without a visa) AND will itself be cancelled. A VERY BAD IDEA!


Good luck! I'm sure it will come soon.

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