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English Driving License


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Hi there, Can you register a car in WA with a English driving license, we've been regular visitors to WA for the last 8 years spending more time here than in Kent UK, we brought an old 4x4 Jackaroo and registered it in my Oz son in laws name, but really need it in my name as we've applied for the 143 visa but that may take another 14 months or so.

The transfer form asks for your WA diving license number so I may need to get one whilst here, if so how much.

Thanks very much

Ian Warren

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In QLD you used to be able to buy and register on a UK licence by filling out extra paperwork. I am sure there will be a way to do it as lots of backpackers buy and register vehicles to travel in and they dont all get Aus driving licences.

Id dropa quick e-mail or ask your SIL to make a quick call to the dept of transport and see what they say.


Cal x

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Yes you can buy and register a car on a UK license, as I have done this 2 years ago when I arrived in Mandurah WA. Just put your UK driver number in the box but write UK licence beside it, and paperwork all came through a few weeks later.

You will however need a WA address to be able to do this and access to the mail which arrives.


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As above, you can do it, but it'll take longer than if you had a WA licence. I bought a car in Melbourne around 4 years ago and it was a drag transferring the ownership without having a Victorian licence.


Don't get an Australian licence until you absolutely have to - demerit points don't apply on your UK licence. They'll catch up with you when you do apply for a WA one, but often they get missed. For example, I ran up six points in 2 years (after driving in the UK for 23 years with zero points) but only 4 got applied to the VIC licence.


All my offences involved going 3kph over in a 60kph zone. Frankly, the Australians have no concept of road safety. Yes, speeding is dangerous, but not as dangerous as spending 50% of your time looking at your speedo because you're worried about getting caught for a minor offence. The other thing that really, really pisses me off on Australian roads is how everyone does exactly 100kph on the motorway and switches off their brains. Seen some ridiculously bad driving because people just don't concentrate enough. Another bugbear is how close everyone drives. Tailgating is not seen as dangerous here and it's normal to have a car 3 feet behind you at 100kph on an empty motorway. Basically, their idea of road safety is totally self defeating. Introduce loads of fines and restrictions then wonder why driving standards are so poor when everyone shuts off their brains when behind the wheel.

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You can only drive on your UK licence from 3 months once you live here in WA, so you may as well get the WA licence & then transfer the car.

It's pretty simple to get (sorry, I can't recall how much it cost), and as a bonus, you are allowed to smile on your licence photo :-)



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