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About to lodge a Child 101 visa application - have a newborn so time VERY limited (help!)


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Hi all - with the application pack ready (ish) to send to the London branch of Australian High Commission (that's what the website says anyway ...) here are some final questions about my Child 101 visa forms.


If you have any advice I would dearly like to hear it so I can send this off asap! I have looked in the forms and the booklet and online so don't come to you for help without research ... smile.gif


Form 47CH:

1. Question 28. Do I write no to health medical if we’re going to do it once we hear from a case office – so post-submission?

2. What evidence that sponsors are Australia permanent residents?




Form 40CH:

1. Question 6. If the parents with PR have not yet migrated, what date should be used in this section? Should the expected date (estimated) of arrival be used instead?

2. Question 18. What is “Nature of legal right” for other parent?

3. Part K. About your home. If applicant and applicant parents are not in Australia does this question still need to be answered?



Form 1229:

1. TRN – if I have completed an immiaccount to confirm what health assessments are needed for the child, should I write this TRN on this form?




1. Can I lodge this Child 101 visa application online?

2. Can the application use the same proof of Australian PR for both 47CH and 40CH forms?

3. When should I organize the medical and the PCs – after submission/lodgement of all forms?




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