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Single Mum longing to move; but dont know where to start!


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I did mean to type 3 sorry! I have a level 3 lol finger must have missed; but couldnt see myself working with kids again in all honesty anyway x


Lol :) childcare is one of the level 5 diploma jobs anyway :)


Its things like chefs etc you can do with a 3 :)

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Agreed with above. Do your research! I'm on an average wage in sydney. Single. Live in a share house. Full time work plus overtime. Cannot save at all as living expenses are very high. I'm returning home this year thank goodness with cost of living being one of the major reasons..

Would you not try somewhere else in aus to live though, somewhere cheaper

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  • 2 months later...
I am an IT consultant and work in Sydney from time to time. The young single people I know love it there but find it very expensive (and they are relatively very well paid $120K+). The (highly paid)ones with families struggle even living on the outskirts with huge commutes (and $1 million + housing costs). It's a beautiful city for a holiday and a rich person's playground to live in. I have no idea how people with averagely paid jobs exist there. We live in Brisbane and that is expensive but do-able (comparative cost of living to SE UK in my opinion). As much as I love Australia, I am tired of us having to work so hard just to get by, so am hoping to return to UK for a more affordable lifestyle. If you are determined to make it work then get qualified and get some excellent experience under your belt before coming here. And save so you have a comfortable cushion to support you whilst job seeking. We brought $20,000 in 2007 but I did have a job to go to. I suspect you may need a similar or higher amount to set yourself up. Sorry to sound so negative - I always advise young singles to give it a go and wing it in shared houses etc - But you are in a much more precarious position with a child to support.


I would be willing to go to other parts although I think my auntie might kick my ass considering she misses family alot and for me to move over there and not to where she actually is; I cant imagine going down too well.. Do you like Brisbane? I will definately be saving my butt off before I head out! Already have a bit saved and havent finished my degree yet, then once thats sorted il be saving as much as possible with every wage slip

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