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Stay for citizenship?


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What do you mean by real genuine conversations? Is it because you don't have any/many friends in Sydney?


Partly, yes. I have work colleagues here and some friends but haven't found the deeper connection I have with my UK friends. Maybe its just me. Not sure. I just find a superficiality to most of my interactions here. I actually quite like most Aussies but I miss the deep heart to heart conversations I used to have with my friends at home. It is what it is.

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Ah happy days have just realised I can apply for citizenship come November!! I thought I had to wait until April but realised my time on a WHV counts. Very excited. And now the cooler weather is here I'm enjoying Sydney more; still can't wait to get home but enjoying my time while I'm here :)

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Ah happy days have just realised I can apply for citizenship come November!! I thought I had to wait until April but realised my time on a WHV counts. Very excited. And now the cooler weather is here I'm enjoying Sydney more; still can't wait to get home but enjoying my time while I'm here :)


Good for you. It's the limbo period that is the worst once you have made a decision. I had that in reverse all through 2014 so can empathise. Once 2015 came along and the move was 6 months away I found myself enjoying life a lot more.

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Hello. I have a 'first world' dilemma. Wondering if anyone has any advice.

I've been in Australia (Sydney) for about 3 years now. I'm now 31 and want to go home. I have PR. I loved it for about a year but am now sick of living here. Little things - expense, arrogance, traffic, sun etc are all getting to me. In short I'm over it and want to go home.

I'm in a stable but moderately low paying job (for Sydney). I'm single. I want to move on with my life, meet someone, buy a house. I can't see myself doing that here. Its just too expensive and a long way from anywhere and anything I value in life. Every week I look at one way flights home and wish I could just book.

However I'm a year away from citizenship. Do I stay for it or not?? Its the one thing holding me back. I can't see myself living here again, but who knows. Maybe when I'm 60 a few winters in Oz will look appealing again. Grr my heads all over the place!! Any advice??


Stick it out for citizenship definitely, if you make the decision to get it and go the time will fly, i was advised not to declare on the exit form that you were leaving for good but just fudge it, my wife could have had citizenship back in the eightys and her parents never bothered and we had to do a 2 year application because of that, we cursed them as she lived there for 7.5 years.

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