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189 apllicants waiting for their grants come say hi..damn slow processing

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They aim to process something like 75% of applications within 3 months, so 6 weeks really is early days. It's just that they have actually been being really efficient and getting some grants done in 6 weeks, so now we have been spoilt lol. Sadly mine is not one of them (yet! I have good vibes for tonight, crossing all fingers and toes)

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They aim to process something like 75% of applications within 3 months, so 6 weeks really is early days. It's just that they have actually been being really efficient and getting some grants done in 6 weeks, so now we have been spoilt lol. Sadly mine is not one of them (yet! I have good vibes for tonight, crossing all fingers and toes)



yay got a grant today. thanks and i hope the best for each one of u.

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