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General questions.

Michael LeVay

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@scottishstacey there is still a lot of casual work around but instead of Perth, start in Sydney, Brisbane or Melbourne.


I had heard those places were hard to find work but I guess it changes a lot and depends on time of the year etc. I've been keeping a eye on a few backpacker job sites just to see

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If you don't mind what you do - there are always jobs for backpackers ( usually at a crappy wage but hey- ho- you get by!)

in my year as a backpacker I worked in an asparagus packing plant, a print works, as a barmaid for accomodation, a kitchen hand, I worked on the show circuit selling hotdogs - a great little earner - I started in Cairns and followed the shows down to Brissie and the Gold Coast - great fun! And I even cleaned the bathrooms in a hostel for free accomodation - trust me- you will get jobs!!

the hostels always have notice boards etc looking for workers.

And yes, it's the best thing ever! You will love it.

Good Luck!

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Hi Michael,


I am also going to be heading to Aus on a WHV around April-May next year. You are right it sounds a long time away but trust me it will fly by and preparation is so important. I first started making real plans about 6 months ago and they have flown by. I would probably say I'm at a slight advantage because I have been travelling in Aus as recent at November 2013 so I have a bit of a clue what to expect.


On to your questions:


- What is a reasonable amount of money to take out there? Thinking of around $10,000 excluding flights and 1st week getting settled in.

I am planning on taking £4,000 excluding a one way flight. Obviously depending on exchange rate I'm currently looking at between $7-8,000 AUD


- Where would be an ideal place to start? I plan on working as soon as possible when I get there?

I am planning on flying into Adelaide, I spent 3 weeks there in November 13 and the city is very easy to navigate, great beaches and easy access to Adelaide Hills and other rural areas (Ideal for regional work. Plus you can complete your regional work in any 'post code' in South Australia) My next choice would be Sydney, its an amazing place. A lot of people fly into either Sydney or Melbourne, both are good options for you. Those three cities and Perth will be the cheapest from London. (assuming you are flying from the UK?)


- How hard will it be to find a hostel or place to stay when I'm there?

Book the first week before you go, I wouldn't book more than one week because you are bound to meet people or want to move around. Other might suggest booking two, its entirely up to you in all fairness.


- What sort of things would be seen as a necessity to bring with me? Not including things I can buy when I get there.

Bring yourself, a positive can do attitude, respect for Australia and its people, a bit of money and probably some clothes. You can buy anything you can in the UK in Aus, however you will notice how expensive it is compared to the UK until you start earning the dollar.


- What do people generally think of it out there?

I will eventually live in Australia, that much has been decided already. I was lucky enough to send 3 weeks in Adelaide with a working family so have a better idea of the quality of life than someone who say for example has just been on a holiday there. I want to visit on a WHV first though just to A) get a better idea of Aus life and B) gain the life experience of working and living away from home.


- Is my maximum stay 2 years?

Yes, although you will need to complete 88 days of regional work (farm/fruit picking) in order to qualify for a 2nd year.


- How do people act to English people traveling there?

I met loads of friendly Australians on my travels, none of them showed any negative signs to travellers. I think it is also a respect thing though. You respect Australia, its values, natural beauty, countryside, coastlines, people and it will respect you back.


Let me know if you want to know anything else or have more questions, I'm always hovering around the forums, just don't post very often!

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Hi Ryan,


Thanks for the detailed response. Helps a lot and all questions answered in the way I was hoping for.


Adelaide looks like a very strong option for me as well, seems the best place to start if I want to travel to Melbourne and then Sydney after. Maybe even Brisbane if I have enough time.


I plan on working as soon as I can when I land so I'm hoping I will be ok with money. I don't really mind what sort of work I do as long as it's bringing in the $. Farm work seems like something I will do 6 months into my stay if I decide I want to stay for another year. Which from all my friends explaining it seems like something I will do.


Once again, thanks for the response, who knows, might see you out there next year :)



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