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Working Hours for 2nd WHV


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I can't seem to find information on this anywhere so I hope someone can help!


I'm looking to apply for my 2nd WHV after doing the 88 days farm work. I have done 4 days of strawberry planting so far but each day has only consisted of 3 hours work. The company gets a certain amount of plants delivered and then once they are all planted we all go home. Is 3 hours work sufficient to be counted as one day towards the 88 days? I'm not sure it is and need to check! The company I work for says it does count...


I am a casual worker, paid per the amount of work I do.



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I can't say 100% but considering wwoofing and helpx can count as 2nd year and as far as I know they tend to only make you work around 5 hours so I think it's more about the days you work rather than hours. I'd check it out though because I could be wrong

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  • 2 months later...

New legislation is coming into place and woofing will no longer count towards the 2nd year visa. This is to stop employees from exploiting backpackers. I read australia news frequently to know what's going on out there as I'll be arriving in a few months time.

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IMO it's just going to make conditions crapper for backpackers. There's going to be massive competition for the jobs and farmers are possibly more likely to treat them badly because backpackers will put up with more just to get their visa days. The volunteer scheme probably did have some bad people but I've also heard about lots of good experiences. Hosts taking volunteers out on day trips etc

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