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Will I have an issue with medication on 457?


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I have gastric reflux and take esomeprazole (related to Omeprazole), which is a drug for gastric issues. Kind of like a prescribed Gaviscon.

Will this affect my 457 application? as it's a pretty normal thing (i believe the most prescribed drug in the world is omperazole) and I am otherwise very fit and healthy apart from a bit of gas, I shouldn't think it would.

How do you arrange prescriptions out there?



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You go to a Doctor, discuss your symptoms, and he writes you a prescription for some medication. You pay the Doctor for the consultation. You take the prescription to a pharmacy, and they ask you if you want the brand name prescribed on the prescription, or the generic alternative which has the same active ingredients. You pay the pharmacy for the drugs.


I'd be surprised if it is a concern for your visa application.

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I would get a copy of your prescription from your current GP and maybe a covering letter from him or her. Then take this to the docs when you get to Oz. I was able to get a 2 month supply of my Lasoprazole when I was away for 6 weeks so I imagine you'd be able to do the same to cover you till you get settled and get to a GP. I doubt it would affect your application, it's very common. the doctor at my medical was not fussed about mine at all.

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Ah, fantastic. Does private healthcare subsidise hospital visits or doctors visits? I've heard something about an agreement with the UK too

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You will get Medicare as a reciprohcal agreement. However, it doesn't cover everything. Some doctors are free (called bulk bill doctors). Others you pay for - I pay about $40 a visit. It depends what is available in your area and how far you are willing to travel. This applies to everyone regardless of visa and even citizens.


Likewise prescriptions. It wont effect your 457. I take the same medication and it is about $45 for a months supply. No, insurance does not cover it.

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