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Pregnancy after grant


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So... wife and I have just been granted our 189 visas last week, and we are starting to think she also just got pregnant (still to be confirmed, could be a false alarm). I'm worried now about what would be the consequences regarding our entry in Australia. Would she be allowed to enter Australia pregnant and have the baby there, even though she didn't inform herself to be pregnant in our visa application (since we didn't know about it when we applied)?


Thanks :smile:

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Would she be allowed to enter Australia pregnant and have the baby there, even though she didn't inform herself to be pregnant in our visa application


Yes and the child would be an Australian citizen by birth. Apply for Medicare as soon as you arrive.

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Yes and the child would be an Australian citizen by birth. Apply for Medicare as soon as you arrive.


I'm sorry to ask, but is there official information about this anywhere? It would really calm us down to read something like this somewhere on the immi website...

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W Russell is a registered migration agent.


As your visas have been granted there is no need to contact anyone, if the child is born in Australia it will be Australian Citizen at birth, if child born overseas, you will need to apply for a child visa before the child can enter Australia.



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Don't stress it is fine. Our PR visa was granted in April 2008, we validated in June and didn't move till September 2009, when I was 29 weeks pregnant at the time. Baby was born here a citizen and did not need a visa.

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