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Check list

Garreth Peat

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So ive just been granted my visa and im the happiest man alive at the minute haha (well apart from some guy whos just won the lottery haha) and i was just wondering what kind of things i should be taking over to AUS with me obviously toothbrush phone passport bank card and so on lol so has anyone got any tips?:arghh:

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Hey Garreth,


Congrats on being granted your Visa! :smile:

I have been having a read through your other topic and thought I would throw my bit into the fray.


I will also be travelling to Oz on my WHV in April alongside many others on this site whom I am sure you will become acquainted with. PomsInOz is a fantastic site with a wealth of information for you to access and plenty of people willing to help, all you have to do is look for it.


As far as a checklist goes, well that's going to depend massively on what kind of trip your planning on having...

If your planning on staying in one place for a few months at a time then moving on, you will need a completely different set of gear than if your only planning on spending 2-3 weeks in each town before moving onto another.


How much money you have will make an impact. If your going to stay in Hotels you might want some things that you wont need if you are staying in some more questionable hostels...


Taking all of that into consideration, here is a list of items that I think would be really useful. (I will be taking all of these also)

Not including clothes/toiletries/documents;


-Silk sleeping bag liner

-Spare pillowcases

-Re-usable water bottle (BPA free)


-Spare SD cards

-Sharpie Pen

-Quick dry towel



-Laptop (Still not decided on this one)

-Chargers for electronics



There is obviously a lot more but these are all odd items that a lot of people wouldn't think to take.

The size of your backpack will have a huge impact on how much you can take as well.



If you have any other questions I frequent the site most days (as should you :P) so just ask away.



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