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School uniform help


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In UK in our school at least they only wear pe kit (which is shorts and t shirt) for PE! ie they leave the bag in school for the whole term and only bring it home when it needs washing. It was a bit gross to me in reception, so i was washing it every week, but now chilled a little and dont bother.

So the girls wear sports trousers all day, pe or no pe? That;s not quite girlie is it (I have very girly girls, youngest refuses to wear trousers full stop - and her older sister only wears leggings with tops sometimes, only has one pair of jeans and never wears them either!)

Good they have the skirt and polo shirt option- what do they wear on their legs- socks, tights (melbourne does get cold in winter so I hear?) And what kind of shoes do girls wear, if its not trainers/ with PE kit?

I was thinking on stocking up on some shoes/ polo shirts from UK, but not sure what colours would be required yet.

Thank you everyone!


The majority of girls around the schools here wear Skorts, look like a skirt but are actually shorts, or what i call a tennis skirt, these have like bicycle shorts attached to the inside. Only the preppies and Yr1s really wear the formal dresses.

Yes they wear their 'PE' kit most days ,PE or not. It took me a while to adjust to the fact that when they do have PE they don't have 'change and showers' like we used to at high school,some of the kids take a spare shirt to change into.


Any shoes / trainers as long as they are black and for girls ,navy tights in winter or white socks seem to be the go. Although i have seen kids in navy leggings on some of the colder days.


Private schools are a lot different and much stricter on uniform. Our nearest private insists on the school logo hat, socks, bag etc, and the girls MUST wear a knee length skirt and white school logo shirt and blazer.


You are best to just buy one of everything until your children work out 'what the go is'.. My son loved the checked shirts as he said they are much cooler, my daughter however prefers the polo shirts but it must be a school one, she wont wear a BIGW one with no logo on it! lol.


Cal x

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